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Category: QI STORIES

QI Story: Improving Patient Satisfaction and Turnaround Time for OGTT at AIC Kijabe Hospital, Kenya

Authors: 1,2Lucy Maina, 1,3Argwings Chagwira, and 1.2Grace Munga. AIC Kijabe Hospital, 2Laboratory Department, 3Research Department Kenya Background In addressing challenges related to the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) at AICKH(AIC Kijabe Hospital), a retrospective review and patient feedback in August 2023 revealed significant issues affecting patient satisfaction. A considerable 74.1%

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QI Story: Transforming Safe Skilled Deliveries in Taita Taveta County, Kenya

Authors JOYCE MUTHONI, JECINTA MALEMBA, AGRIPINA WALI, GEORGE GITITU Corresponding author and presenter: Joyce Muthoni-Health Care worker, Ndilindau Dispensary Level three government health facility, Taita  Taveta County – Kenya Ndilindau Dispensary in Taita Taveta County faced challenges in ensuring safe skilled deliveries due to cultural beliefs and low uptake of

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QI Story: Advancing Maternal and Neonatal Care in Kenya

Presented by: John Macharia Kiragu (First Author), University of Nairobi and Kenyatta National Hospital, In this Quality Improvement (QI) Initiative led by John Macharia Kiragu, the focus was on enhancing maternal and neonatal care in Kenya, addressing the suboptimal adoption of evidence-based practices. The initiative targeted a peri-urban health center

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QI Story: Enhancing Maternity Care at Matawale Urban Health Center, Malawi – A Solution to Manageable Maternal Referrals

Presented By:Mariaenzo Kumbanga, Nursing Officer, Matawale Urban Health Center, Malawi Matawale Urban Health Centre’s Maternity Department faces a persistent challenge of an increasing number of maternal referrals with manageable conditions at the health center level, noted since September 2021 through monthly data analysis. This issue occurs regularly, with a baseline

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