ACQUIRE takes a long-term view of the continent’s health system trajectory and provides the framework to develop and facilitate research on quality improvement (QI) at the frontline. We seek sustained evidence-guided quality improvement for the frontline health worker, the healthcare institution and ultimately the health system, in order to make healthcare more safe, responsive, equitable, effective and efficient.
Too often, good ideas are studied, results obtained, and those results remain written in a dissertation on the university shelf never to be seen again.
ACQUIRE changes this paradigm by beginning with questions that are identified by the frontline healthcare workers. With the support of their institutions, frontline healthcare workers apply scientific research methods to actively seek out practical solutions to quality challenges at the frontline.
Too often research is detached from patients and staff within the health system. That happens because the researcher is not embedded in the delivery of health care.
ACQUIRE celebrated frontline healthcare champions in Sub-Saharan Africa, showing their dedication to transformative quality improvement during a webinar that inspired the entire healthcare community.