QI Story: Empowering HIV+ Mothers for Successful PMTCT – A Case in Mombasa County, Kenya

Presented by: Janet Alice Akinyi Oduor

Janet Alice Akinyi Oduor, affiliated with the Department of Health, Mombasa County, USAID Stawisha Pwani, Global Fund, and KRCS, played a crucial role in the response to a challenging case in the HIV/PMTCT thematic area.

In September 2020, a 28-year-old female patient presented at Railways dispensary seeking medical attention for her sickly infant. The infant’s ANC booklet indicated the mother was HIV positive, but she was not on ARVs. Following an HIV test, she was confirmed positive. Janet intervened, sharing her story, empowering the mother to disclose her status, and encouraging medication adherence.

Results of follow-up showed the infant testing negative despite the mother’s high viral load. The mother achieved viral load suppression and tested negative after 18 months. The infant graduated at 24 months, declared HIV negative, highlighting the impact of supportive care and peer support.

Key lessons learned include the need for close client touch, supportive care, and peer support. Inter-departmental coordination is crucial, particularly at ANC and immunization desks, for early identification of such cases.

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