
QI Story: Achieving 100% Viral Suppression in Mombasa’s DICE Clinic, Kenya


Mathew Ochieng, Chrisdon Kaganda, Divinah Mochanga , Emily Mueni, Simon Mwangi

ICRHK DICE, Mombasa County


In Mombasa’s Mvita DICE clinic, a triumph unfolded in the quest for 100% viral suppression among key populations living with HIV. The clinic’s multidimensional strategy encompassed meticulous client management, from line listing to innovative mobile app reminders. Clinicians adopted targeted interventions, including support group meetings and tailored approaches for homeless and phone-lacking clients. Remarkably, out of 339 clients, 329 (97%) eligible for viral load testing achieved the coveted 100% viral suppression below the < 200 copies/ml threshold.

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