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About Us

ACQUIRE was recently founded by two teaching hospitals – AIC Kijabe Hospital and Kenyatta National Hospital – as a vehicle to drive Quality Improvement research by frontline healthcare workers. We are an academic knowledge hub for the peer-learning among our partner hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa.

ACQUIRE intends to use the co-production of data (platforms, visualization, analysis, and tools) to identify key strategies (success factors, costs and resources) required to implement, redesign, and drive quality of healthcare (patient-centered care, staff satisfaction, organizational efficiency, and lower health care costs) at the frontline in Sub-Saharan Africa.


ACQUIRE seeks to build learning health systems that ensure high quality health care for everyone in sub-Saharan Africa.

What we do

ACQUIRE takes a long-term view of the continent’s health system trajectory and provides the framework to develop and facilitate research on quality improvement (QI) at the frontline. We seek sustained evidence-guided quality improvement for the frontline health worker, the healthcare institution and ultimately the health system, in order to make healthcare more safe, responsive, equitable, effective and efficient.

Too often, good ideas are studied, results obtained, and those results remain written in a dissertation on the university shelf never to be seen again. Too often research is detached from patients and staff within the health system. That happens because the researcher is not embedded in the delivery of health care.

ACQUIRE changes this paradigm by beginning with questions that are identified by the frontline healthcare workers. With the support of their institutions, frontline healthcare workers apply scientific research methods to actively seek out practical solutions to quality challenges at the frontline.

ACQUIRE takes a long-term view of the continent’s health system trajectory and provides the framework to develop and facilitate research on quality improvement (QI) at the frontline.

Our Vision

Health care systems characterised by continuous learning that results in quality of care for all.

Our Mission

To strengthen the capacity of frontline health care workers, institutions and governments to apply rigorously-performed, quality improvement research to everyday practice in Sub-Sahara Africa.

Our Strategy

ACQUIRE’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan Focuses on Three Main Objectives

Building Healthcare Worker Research Leadership

Foster an enabling institutional environment for implementing quality improvement evidence-based practice

Convene a QI community of practice driving national policy agendas towards quality improvement

Current Board Members: 2022-2024

Dr. William Sigilai

Senior Medical Specialist

Prof. Elizabeth Bukusi

Certified IRB Professional.

Dr. Pete Halestrap

Family Physician

Founding Board: 2020-2022

Dr John Kinuthia

Obstetrician Gynecologist

Prof. Elizabeth Bukusi

Certified IRB Professional.

Dr. Pete Halestrap

Medicine Physician

Dr. Joe Muchekehu

Chief Financial Officer

Dr. Diakalia Sanogo

Senior Program Officer

Dr. Gilbert Buckle

Public Health Physician

Dr. Nelson Gitonga

Health Professiona

Dr Nisha Nadesan

Public Health Professional
