Dr. Sabelile Tenza

Quality and Safety Researcher

Dr Sabelile Tenza holds a PhD in Public Health- Health Systems and Policy, from the University of the Witwatersrand. Currently, she is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Nursing Science, North-West University, lecturing Research Methodology. She had previously worked as a Researcher at Wits School of Public Health, Centre for Health Policy & South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI). Dr Tenza is passionate about quality and safety in healthcare. Through her national and international collaboration, she has published extensively on patient safety culture, teamwork, implementation of existing policies to improve care. Dr Tenza is also passionate about supporting quality improvement in hospitals, she has achieved this through mentoring of clinicians in implementing quality improvement on their identified challenges. She serves as a board member in Witrand Psychiatric Hospital, where she also leads a Quality and Safety sub-committee. She is also a fellow for International Society for Quality in Healthcare, and an Assistant Deputy Editor for The International Journal for Quality in Health Care (IJQHC). Dr Tenza is a leading chair for the 12th Quality Management &Patient Safety conference held annually by Africa Health in collaboration with The Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa COHSASA.  Dr Tenza is a recipient of an NRF grant for a research project investigating the State of Patient Safety in the North West Province.

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