Hypertension Control in DM Patients in Kimende Orthodox MHC: A Quality Improvement Project

The QI team applied the science and methodology of quality improvement to their situation. The Kimende Orthodox team  sdeveloped a matrix of key drivers to address the problem of uncontrolled hypertension among diabetes patients. Through weekly data collection and plotting  that data on run charts, the team was able to track the progress of the interventions and disseminate findings to the hospital leadership and other stakeholders.

The SMART goal of the project was to reduce the number of diabetes patients with uncontrolled hypertension from 57% to 20% in 6 months.

The Kimende team was part of a faith based hospital QI learning collaborative. Teams in the collaborative were equipped with QI knowledge through blended monthly virtual training and physical mentoring from their coaches. Weekly meetings were held to brainstorm root causes, key drivers and sustainable action plans were implemented.

The above presentation provides a detailed analysis of the outcome of the Quality Improvement (QI) project.

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